Delivering Social Justice and Empowering Those Impacted

Do you have a family member who has been sentenced to an inhumane prison sentence, has recently been arrested and charged unjustly, or are you the impacted person?

Don’t wait to bring attention to the case for you or your loved one.

WWW is a coalition of organizations working to bring awareness to the penal system that is structured to hold captive millions of our loved ones. We intend to rewrite the script for the system-provided narrative through our Program…

What We Do…

Bring global attention to the system of prison sentencing in the US
Write and publish your story or that of your loved one
Broadcast the story on our global television channel
Host a live interview with a family member to discuss you or your loved one being held in the penal system.
Coordinate with other organizations and secure legal services to work toward your loved one’s freedom.
The program will broadcast globally on Roku and Firestick television.

The Program’s Mission is to …

Perpetually bringing Public Attention to inhumane Prison Sentences to ensure that the Public is aware that the Incarcerated have a Face and a Name and reduce mass incarceration by seeking the release of those being held captive and ensuring the constitutional rights of those convicted receive a fair trial.
… Motivating Communication …

Please review the past Newsletters designed to motivate us as we work to end mass incarceration.

of Freedom

Setting the Captives Free (

How we end mass incarceration

Mass Incarceration Has A Face - And It's the Face of Freedom (

the Narrative

Reduce and Eliminate Mass Incarceration (

Our Mission will Establish a Path to Reaching the following Goals:

  • Build a national platform for more than three million members who identify with the program’s mission,
  • Identify elected officials who hand out harsh punishments,
  • Reduce mass incarceration and over-reliance on a system of harsh punishments,
  • Identifying racial disparities while promoting a path to fairness and equity,
  • Identify for those who sit on judicial boards effective alternatives to incarceration and new approaches to address crime and drug policy,
  • Emphasize prevention over punishment,
  • Provide public information regarding tax dollars expended for the justice impacted,
  • Empower formerly incarcerated people to act on behalf of those left behind,
  • Empower formerly incarcerated women to realize the power of the inner-verse.

Coalition Partners

  • d’Shift Network, LLC – (Television Network)
  • Dream Catch Publishing, Inc. (Publishers)
  • Family Unification Network, Inc.– 501(c)(3) Non-profit organization
  • Because We Care – Television Channel (Roku and Firestick TV)
  • Bolivard Family Services, Inc. (Non-profit Research Organization)
  • So Far So Close, Inc. (501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization
  • Event Planner
  • Advocate Coordinator
  • Social Media Coordinator

Why You Should Contact WWW

The Women Woke Within … Social Justice Coalition consists mainly of women with first-hand experience with the penal system. Although each of their stories may be different, one story is consistent, and that is …

‘I wish I had gone public with what was happening to me. I thought I would be treated fairly; I trusted the attorney.’ …

Do not let that be your story; click the link below and complete the Member Participant Assessment, and one of our coalition partners will contact you to get you started.

Lets Connect

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Click here and visit our fundraising platform to assist us in obtaining legal services for those unjustly incarcerated. Every dollar contributed supports the work to free those whose stories we broadcast.